13 Remote Job Interview Questions and Ways to Answer

It’s easy to get sucked into doing menial tasks rather than work. Keep your pipeline moving with Video Interviews, a premium one-way screening tool from Workable. I don’t know whether you’re better than others or not, but you must know that you’re better than you think you are. Pursuing remote work is competitive and these positions are highly sought-after. Employers don’t just care about hard work and productivity; they want ethical and honest workers, too.

For this answer, think about how technology is incorporated into your life and how you use it to make your life easier or better. So, mention your undying devotion to your MacBook https://remotemode.net/blog/how-to-describe-your-experience-working-remotely/ Air or your obsession with podcast apps. Or explain how you keep on top of everything with a to-do list app, or how you keep your social media smooth as butter with IF and ThinkUp.

Top 10 Must-Have Remote Work Skills

Any or all of these might mention the company’s support—or lack of it—for remote and flexible work. However, that does not guarantee that every role has the same options. And while lots of “alone time” is a big part of remote work, anyone searching for a remote job shouldn’t assume that a remote role means never interacting with colleagues. If you generally need a lot of guidance, don’t say that you work well independently; you may run into problems when you start working on a remote team. Instead, explain that you like a lot of information and direction, and then explain how you will get what you need from your remote team members. Also, point out the value of regular check-ins by audio or video chat to gain feedback and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

describe your experience working remotely

Abi is one of the co-founders of Himalayas where he focuses on product and growth. In his spare time, he runs a YouTube channel, podcast, and blog focused on strategy and https://remotemode.net/ management. As good as no commute and no open office is, remote work can also be distracting. Roommates watching Netflix, laundry to be done, kids wanting to play.

Most CEOs Don’t Ask If Employees Want Remote Work

An interviewer asking this question may be as interested, or even more interested, in your personal attitude towards the challenges that this year has presented. Focus on the positive and show that you can make lemonade out of those lemons. Here are nine questions about working from home and motivation that you should be prepared to answer — and some ideas of what you should consider before you answer. Keep an eye out for more remote positions as the trend continues — or make your own by asking your employer if you can work from home.

describe your experience working remotely

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